Using sockets and streams

Networking capabilities are arguably the most important part of any asynchronous library. AnyIO contains its own high level implementation of networking on top of low level primitives offered by each of its supported backends.

Currently AnyIO offers the following networking functionality:

  • TCP sockets (client + server, with TLS encryption support)

  • UNIX domain sockets (client + server)

  • UDP sockets

More exotic forms of networking such as raw sockets and SCTP are currently not supported.


With the combination of Windows, Python 3.8 and asyncio, AnyIO currently requires the use of asyncio.SelectorEventLoop. The appropriate event loop policy is automatically set when calling, but applications using AnyIO network functionality directly without explicitly switching to the selector event loop policy will fail. This limitation is expected to be lifted in the 2.0 release.

Working with TCP sockets

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is the most commonly used protocol on the Internet. It allows one to connect to a port on a remote host and send and receive data in a reliable manner.

To connect to a listening TCP socket somewhere, you can use connect_tcp():

from anyio import connect_tcp, run

async def main():
    async with await connect_tcp('hostname', 1234) as client:
        await client.send_all(b'Client\n')
        response = await client.receive_until(b'\n', 1024)


To receive incoming TCP connections, you first create a TCP server with anyio.create_tcp_server() and then asynchronously iterate over accept_connections() and then hand off the yielded client streams to their dedicated tasks:

from anyio import create_task_group, create_tcp_server, run

async def serve(client):
    async with client:
        name = await client.receive_until(b'\n', 1024)
        await client.send_all(b'Hello, %s\n' % name)

async def main():
    async with create_task_group() as tg, await create_tcp_server(1234) as server:
        async for client in server.accept_connections():
            await tg.spawn(serve, client)


The async for loop will automatically exit when the server is closed.

Working with UNIX sockets

UNIX domain sockets are a form of interprocess communication on UNIX-like operating systems. They cannot be used to connect to remote hosts and do not work on Windows.

The API for UNIX domain sockets is much like the one for TCP sockets, except that instead of host/port combinations, you use file system paths.

This is what the client from the TCP example looks like when converted to use UNIX sockets:

from anyio import connect_unix, run

async def main():
    async with await connect_unix('/tmp/mysock') as client:
        await client.send_all(b'Client\n')
        response = await client.receive_until(b'\n', 1024)


And the server:

from anyio import create_task_group, create_unix_server, run

async def serve(client):
    async with client:
        name = await client.receive_until(b'\n', 1024)
        await client.send_all(b'Hello, %s\n' % name)

async def main():
    async with create_task_group() as tg, await create_unix_server('/tmp/mysock') as server:
        async for client in server.accept_connections():
            await tg.spawn(serve, client)


Working with UDP sockets

UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a way of sending packets over the network without features like connections, retries or error correction.

For example, if you wanted to create a UDP “hello” service that just reads a packet and then sends a packet to the sender with the contents prepended with “Hello, “, you would do this:

from anyio import create_udp_socket, run

async def main():
    async with await create_udp_socket(port=1234) as socket:
        async for packet, (host, port) in socket.receive_packets(1024):
            await socket.send(b'Hello, ' + packet, host, port)


If your use case involves sending lots of packets to a single destination, you can still “connect” your UDP socket to a specific host and port to avoid having to pass the address and port every time you send data to the peer:

from anyio import create_udp_socket, run

async def main():
    async with await create_udp_socket(target_host='hostname', target_port=1234) as socket:
        await socket.send(b'Hi there!\n')


Working with TLS

TLS (Transport Layer Security), the successor to SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), is the supported way of providing authenticity and confidentiality for TCP streams in AnyIO.

TLS is typically established right after the connection has been made. The handshake involves the following steps:

  • Sending the certificate to the peer (usually just by the server)

  • Checking the peer certificate(s) against trusted CA certificates

  • Checking that the peer host name matches the certificate

Obtaining a server certificate

There are three principal ways you can get an X.509 certificate for your server:

  1. Create a self signed certificate

  2. Use certbot or a similar software to automatically obtain certificates from Let’s Encrypt

  3. Buy one from a certificate vendor

The first option is probably the easiest, but this requires that the any client connecting to your server adds the self signed certificate to their list of trusted certificates. This is of course impractical outside of local development and is strongly discouraged in production use.

The second option is nowadays the recommended method, as long as you have an environment where running certbot or similar software can automatically replace the certificate with a newer one when necessary, and that you don’t need any extra features like class 2 validation.

The third option may be your only valid choice when you have special requirements for the certificate that only a certificate vendor can fulfill, or that automatically renewing the certificates is not possible or practical in your environment.

Using self signed certificates

To create a self signed certificate for localhost, you can use the openssl command line tool:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj '/CN=localhost' -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -nodes -days 365

This creates a (2048 bit) private RSA key (key.pem) and a certificate (cert.pem) matching the host name “localhost”. The certificate will be valid for one year with these settings.

To set up a server using this key-certificate pair:

import ssl

from anyio import create_task_group, create_tcp_server, run

async def serve(client):
    async with client:
        name = await client.receive_until(b'\n', 1024)
        await client.send_all(b'Hello, %s\n' % name)

async def main():
    # Create a context for the purpose of authenticating clients
    context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH)

    # Load the server certificate and private key
    context.load_cert_chain(certfile='cert.pem', keyfile='key.pem')

    async with create_task_group() as tg:
        async with await create_tcp_server(1234, ssl_context=context) as server:
            async for client in server.accept_connections():
                await tg.spawn(serve, client)


Connecting to this server can then be done as follows:

import ssl

from anyio import connect_tcp, run

async def main():
    # These two steps are only required for certificates that are not trusted by the
    # installed CA certificates on your machine, so you can skip this part if you use
    # Let's Encrypt or a commercial certificate vendor
    context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH)

    async with await connect_tcp('localhost', 1234, ssl_context=context, autostart_tls=True) as client:
        await client.send_all(b'Client\n')
        response = await client.receive_until(b'\n', 1024)


Manually establishing TLS

Some protocols, like FTP or IMAP, support a technique called “opportunistic TLS”. This means that if the server advertises the capability of establishing a secure connection, the client can initiate a TLS handshake after notifying the server using a protocol specific manner.

To do this, you want to prevent the automatic TLS handshake on the server by passing the autostart_tls=False option:

import ssl

from anyio import create_task_group, create_tcp_server, finalize, run

async def serve(client):
    async with client, finalize(client.receive_delimited_chunks(b'\n', 100)) as lines:
        async for line in lines:
            print('Received "{}"'.format(line.decode('utf-8')))
            if line == b'STARTTLS':
                await client.start_tls()
            elif line == b'QUIT':

async def main():
    # Create a context for the purpose of authenticating clients
    context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH)

    # Load the server certificate and private key
    context.load_cert_chain(certfile='cert.pem', keyfile='key.pem')

    async with create_task_group() as tg:
        async with await create_tcp_server(1234, ssl_context=context, autostart_tls=False) as server:
            async for client in server.accept_connections():
                await tg.spawn(serve, client)


On the client, you will need to omit the autostart_tls option:

import ssl

from anyio import connect_tcp, run

async def main():
    # Skip these unless connecting to a server with a self signed certificate
    context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH)

    async with await connect_tcp('localhost', 1234, ssl_context=context) as client:
        await client.send_all(b'DUMMY\n')
        await client.send_all(b'STARTTLS\n')
        await client.start_tls()

        # From this point on, all communication is encrypted
        await client.send_all(b'ENCRYPTED\n')
        await client.send_all(b'QUIT\n')


Dealing with ragged EOFs

According to the TLS standard, encrypted connections should end with a shutdown handshake. This practice prevents so-called truncation attacks. However, broadly available implementations for protocols such as HTTP, widely ignore this requirement because the protocol level closing signal would make the shutdown handshake redundant.

AnyIO follows the standard by default (unlike the Python standard library’s ssl module). The practical implication of this is that if you’re implementing a protocol that is expected to skip the TLS shutdown handshake, you need to pass the tls_standard_compatible=False option to connect_tcp() or create_tcp_server() (depending on whether you’re implementing a client or a server, obviously).